
By Ennastrebor

His Master's Voice

I was looking on Google Maps to locate a store in Kingston upon Thames when I saw it was near a road called Nipper Alley. 
On looking at Wikipedia, it gives the story of the little dog, Nipper, who became the Trademark for HMV Records. 
He was born in Bristol in 1884 and after his master died, he moved to Liverpool and then Kingston where he lived with his first master's widow. He passed in 1895 and was buried in a small park surrounded by magnolia trees. In time, the land was built on and a bank now occupies the site. So lovely that there is a commemorative plaque in the foyer and a street named after him.
Three years after Nipper's death, Francis Barraud, his first master's brother painted a picture of the dog listening intently to a wind-up cylinder phonograpgh. After being declined by the Edison-Bell Company, Barraud took the painting to The Gramophone Company in London where the manager said if Barraud replaced the machine with a Berliner disc gramophone, he would buy the painting. The rest, they say, is history.

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