Argyll Square . . . . . .

. . . . . . from up in the air!

We had planned to go away this morning to spend a few days in Perthshire but the forecast was bad so we decided to stay at home. Not too pleased therefore to see sunshine this morning, but by lunchtime it had dulled over but we wanted to get out and so we went for a walk up to the Hydro, and to the viewpoint over the town. 

Good views, though rather grey. Stopped for a chat on the way home with a friend who was working in his garage, making a planter for yet another plant, but light rain began and we came home. If it's a warm sunny day tomorrow I shall not be pleased! Thursday will be OK, sunshine promised, we'd have been coming home then!

Quote of the Day:

Tom Lehrer - "Bad weather always looks worse through a window."

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