
By Nicky1

My boys(younger)

Spent the day with my boys and realised they are getting so grown up. It's becoming more difficult to do things with them, especially E, he is getting to the age he just wants to play with his pals. Not "cool" to go out with his mum!
They hate getting their picture taken, so I've used this older one which I absolutely love. Can't remember what they are laughing at but it looks like they are up to no good!! E has such a contagious laugh!
S was working so decided to meet him after work and go to the cinema with my mum and boys.
Sitting in the back seat of the car the 2 of them annoying each other, E threatens R by saying " just you wait until I have my growth spurt- you'll be sorry!" Brilliant !
E is the eldest and the smallest, and a very smart wee cookie!

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