
By Echo

And Still The Work goes On.

The roofer came today to put the roof on the porch. He would not come until he was sure it would not rain. A risk you have to take I would think knowing our changeable weather. He was lucky and it didn't. Seems to be doing a very thorough job ,back tomorrow to finish it. We hope! Sorry for lack of blips and comments this week. Just seem to have had one of those weeks. The house is full of paint fumes . All the things from the room, hall landing and stairs are cluttering up remaining space. Had a nice meal out tonight, for Mr Echo's Birthday tomorrow ,as I am at a meeting tomorrow night. We are going to have a belated one with Grandmama on Friday so he cannot really complain. Sorry for the dreadful picture but it was pretty dark when we got home.I could not use the flash as it reflected in the window and I wasn't getting up a ladder not even for Blip.

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