Autumn colors

A went to my artist friends this morning and they had a beautiful set up outside in the drizzle, a cover over the patio with a heater.  We worked on projects, then out came a lovely tablecloth and beautiful dishes from Mexico, with a wonderful lunch.  They surprised me with birthday card, flowers and gift.  She had a special dessert and a little glass of pear brandy!  Such good friends.

When I got home I had a message from the lady that bought our old house, I had a package delivered there by mistake.  I went to pick it up and she toured me through the house, it was wonderful to see all the remodeling they did, it looks really nice.  The package was a surprise birthday gift from an old friend that lives a long ways away.

Not much time for photography today, but these leaves caught my attention, finally a little autumn color to them.

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