Water on a papango's back

Back at work today, and expecting the usual Monday task of sorting out the new admissions, while also needing to encourage the discharge of patients to allow new admissions. I was pleasantly surprised that after working hard last week to have space to admit into by Friday, almost all those empty beds were still empty this morning. 

Still having to spend hours most days in meetings. The first big meeting felt a tad unusual. The senior doctors union was meeting with the DHB's Chief Medical Officer, and I was the sole representative from Mental Health Services. And I wasn't sure whether I was there as a member of the union (I am a life member having been President for four years nearly 30 years ago); or as a psychiatrist; or as  the acting Medical Director of Mental Health (although I'm not doing that role anymore, a permanent appointment has yet to be confirmed); or as a simple gatecrasher. 

I had to leave early to talk to one of the groups of psychiatrists about a proposal I made when still the Acting Director. This is the third group I've met, and the first to really engage in discussing the proposals. Made me feel that the effort may be worthwhile eventually.

Came home a little late, but still went to Western Aprings Lake with the new Pentax and got some nice photos. Liked these two best

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