Lazy Sunday

Most days feel lazy, to some extent, on Sundays the laziness is more legitimised. It is a novelty to be able to walk to get the papers which I did quite early via the allotment road, which is today’s blip. There was no breeze and you could hear the leaves falling, sounding a bit like raindrops. And no other peoples conversation to overhear. The kingfisher did a fly past proceeding upstream with purpose and ignoring the holly bush where the nest is so it was either a ‘new’ one or perhaps they have chosen to nest further down the river.
Home to a late breakfast of toasted Irish soda bread and coffee from the Argyll coffee company whilst simultaneously reading the Observers Food supplement.
Finished The Philosopher’s Pupil in the afternoon, more soda bread, an episode of Schitts Creek, the Amish one, and then an unplanned swim. A good time to go as it turned out, I had a lane to myself most of the time.
So a kind of blue theme to the start and end of the day.

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