Art Quilter Pictures

By friedaquilter

Art Journal Diary

Every year I buy both a large planner, always on my desk, and a smaller diary to take around with me. This year the latter was a 4 x 6” one featuring images of New York. Well, you can guess just how much use it got since March when going anywhere became almost impossible.Instead the diary hung around serving no useful purpose.
That seemed to be a bit of a waste so I decided to do something with it. As you can tell it is ring bound which is a bit of a hindrance and the pages are very flimsy indeed. But I decided to consider all this as a challenge. I started by gluing some pages together for sturdiness and started putting on a few layers of gesso before starting. These will be spreads made over the course of several days, doing only a little bit every day: some stamping, some stencilling, a bit of collage, ink dripping etc. I might not fill the diary for quite some time but that’s okay. Time is something none of us are short of at the moment.

This is my first spread. All stencils used are from StencilGirl (r) Products.

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