Surprise . . .

Don't you hate it when the photo goes up before you type the entry.
I fancy this black fantail is asking what the election result was and then in the extra is telling all it friends. . .   Did you hear Jacinda Ardern elected with a huge majority . . .  Only 5% of fantails are black in the South Island.  This one has been visiting for a few days and flits around the camellia tree looking for insects.  It makes little chirps and I squeak back and it pauses just long enough for a few bursts from the camera.  It is a lot of fun and is just outside my front door.  I was surprised to see the whiskers near the beak.
For the last three years we have had a coalition Government made up of three parties.  After the vote yesterday the labour party will probably have 64 members of Parliament out of 120.  That means they can govern alone.  The results of the referendum will be announced in two weeks.
Thank you for the love for the wee waxeye yesterday.  It surprised me and continues to show me I am not a good judge of my own photos.     

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