St Apolline Chapel

This morning we had a demo coach tour from one of our gold guides. It was my first Guernsey coach tour since the early 70s when the local bus company used to do mystery tours. 
And I thoroughly enjoyed it; in fact I wish it had been a full day tour rather then just over an hour. We had a couple of stops; one of which was at St Apolline. St Apolline is the patron saint of dentists.
We than had to draw the name of a famous Guernsey person out of a hat. A fact sheet giving 10 facts about this person will form one of our tasks. I drew Dame Sybil Hathaway who was the Dame of Sark. The problem will be reducing down to just 10 facts on an A4 sheet of paper.
After that I popped into St James where the WI were hosting an art exhibition. I had been toying with joining WI and there was a lady who had all the facts encouraging new people to try out the WI. I was chatting to her and then my WI member friend came in. She said I should try her WI because I’d fit in well. Must be the one where all the slightly crazy whacky ladies are then! I’ll certainly give it a try in November. 

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