In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall


Extended version of the poem I put up the other day.

They were neither a stone nor a flower
But somewhere in between the answer lay
The hardness of the present
The beauty of the past
Suspecting flawed memories
Only the stone it seems will last
Troubled conflicts of the present
Aching souls that lie within
No happy times to return to
No future, dark and grim.
Seeking answers, asking questions
It’s all these words can do
Hoping visionary artists
Can help to pull us through
When caught between a rock and a hard place
Always chose the flower
Because flowers outlive their beauty
Their memory remains,
Crucial and yet vital, colours, scent and name.
Like a painting by Freda Kahlo
A riff from Buddy Guy
Something you’ll remember
Sometime before they die.
As time ecliosr memory
Choices and decisions,
Like a stone are hard and tough
When all you really needed
Was a soft and gentle touch.
And in between was nothing
Just an empty space and timed
Decisions left unfinished
Watered down like cheap white wine
Regret not what you have done
Only regret the things undone
Because even when raining
Above it all there’s

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