Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

The Bison

Herb says thank you to everyone who wished him happy birthday yesterday!   Now we're both 'old" but  happy to be here.    Sent my 2 week patch heart monitor back in the mail today ..I'm sure there's nothing  drastic on it...will see in a couple weeks...

Fun zoom chat with 2 good friends today…we’re all trying to figure out how to handle the cold dark holidays ahead…

Since there is so much online banking going on today, many banks are closing, including the one where we had a safety deposit box.  so we have to put the contents in another box at another branch.   Wasn’t even sure what was there.  It seems we have Herb’s Dad’s coin collection.  Well even tho I did have a collection as a kid, it’s not something I’m interested in, but we got to looking ….this is my favorite bill - a 1901 large $10 note.  It’s really a work of art…apparently not all that there went some research time on the internet,..:-)… Apparently this bison was not the same "Black Diamond" as the one on the Indian head nickel as believed for a long time but an etching from a stuffed animal in a Montana museum.    With Lewis and Clark on the front in this age of exploration and allegorical Columbia on the back between 2 Roman pillars.  They were made from 1901 to the early 1920s . It seems it could be worth a lot or a little… depending on lots of factors…. I’m sure it came through H’s Aunt Marie who worked in a Chicago Bank all her life.   I have very fond memories of Swedish Marie….which these bring up and I like that.    Many coins....
Then newer bills today aren’t nearly as artistic.  And there is less and less reason to even have cash…
We’ll probably just put it all back in the box.  Maybe someone in the family could get more interested..

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