All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Airing my not so dirty laundry in public!

At my work we have a choice of 3 different shift patterns - a 5 day week, a 9 day fortnight, or a 4 day week. All involve the same hours (36 hour week) but spread out differently. I work a 9 day fortnight which means that I work an hour longer each day than the 5 day week people, but get a day off every 2 weeks (in addition to the weekend). Today was my day off - yay!

Usually on my days off I like to indulge in a long lie, but couldn't get back to sleep after hubby went to work, so I was up and about by 8am, which feels like the crack of dawn to me! It was worth it though as it was a glorious morning. The sun was shining, the birds were singing (very loudly from my neighbours rooftops) and there was even blue sky peeking through the clouds! Perfect day to get 4 loads of washing done and out on the line - think that's a first for this year.

Went back to the dentist to get the fissure sealant work done on 4 teeth that he'd advised me a fortnight ago I need. I'm such a wuss at the dentist and thought it was horrific so goodness knows what I'd be like if I ever needed to get any proper hard core dental work done! Then went to an ex-colleagues house for a cuppa and a natter.

Feels like I actually got a lot done on my day off for once. Result!

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