Moderate sleep last night (how my whole life has been reduced to how well I sleep).
Work, another lovely lunch courtesy of Mr B, then off into town for a meeting at CarbBoy’s school to discuss dealing with his dyslexia and other various dys’s. The meeting was, unexpectedly, with the Principal, wonderfully called Luc Picard. I didn’t take Mr B for fear of his inevitable attempts to make me translate some Star Trek reference. The school were great - which I had not been led to expect, and seem happy with my requests.
Afterwards, I spotted some gardeners in the beautiful municipal gardens next to the Lycée. TallGirl is mortified by my habit of striking up conversations with strangers, but sometimes it is useful and - anyway - I spent my first thirty years not saying boo to a goose so I have some catching up to do.
The upshot of my entertaining chat with the gardener was that he identified the fascinating plant we admired a few weeks ago (backblips to come!), told me how to grow it and collected these seeds for me! I can’t remember the name (sounded like silius, but he had quite a strong accent!) and I didn’t like to ask him to spell it, but I have the seeds! It comes in a red and a green form, the green form looking a bit fig-ish, but as a big plant, not a tree, and the red form has un ripe seed pods that look just like rambutans. Any identification gratefully received!
Later, crustless pie and Stranger Things.
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