Pumpkin pie

We ate the last bit of pumpkin pie I made at the weekend.  It was a little overcooked but very nice but I will not be doing it again.

A busy day with work - they do all seem to be now and all rather the same.  I said to Rich today that my job really is boring as I basically do the same thing day in day out.  However, I guess I should be happy that I have a job... well I do for now.  Come December we will see what happens.

In other news I went out wandering around the development for my lunchtime having a look at trees.  I am going to ask the garden team to do a bit of tree cutting over the winter months.  Hopefully they will agree.

We went out to dinner this evening to our local fav pub.  They told us we are their number 1 most regular customers.  However tonight it seems I had not actually booked a table - when I checked the email it turns out my booking was for next week!!!  They were busy but found us a spot so we could have something to eat.  They are good to us.

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