"Boo"...one of the most popular words the last few days around here.

In one year old talk, that means "Book."

FINALLY Baby S has really taken an interest in books...sitting down, opening them, talking to them, and then handing one off to us to read to him. The other morning I found him and C in his crib with no less than 20 books...it was great.

Today was a great day. Began with a low key run, followed by a meeting with other moms, followed by some time for me to work on business and Etsy things...something that doesn't happen unless I have a sitter. And the boys had a fantastic time as always with Cassie.

Ms B had a fantastic evening at Futsal.

I was called to be on the soccer board.

And then I found this on the Little Bellows blog. I am quite humbled to have one of my photos amongst so many crazy inspirational images.

Oh, and tomorrow....my first real 5K race. Really looking forward to it!

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