
Fletch wasnt well last night. Not sure why.. could be he gulped down his supper too quickly but woke us at 1 am to be sick. He spent the next 4 hours alternating between wanting to be outside, coming back in an sleeping for an hour then needing to be outside again. Just as well it was a mild night! He finally fell in to a deep sleep at 6am.. as did I! 
So not a busy day just too tired!
He appears to be ok now.. slept a lot and is hungry. 

A local walk in what was a much cooler day than yesterday. 

Fingers crossed all goes ok for M tomorrow . He had a letter on Saturday to say he was on the waiting list but he may have to wait 3 months. As this letter was dated before the telephone call giving his appointment we hope they will see him
 Blip is of some of the pyracantha berries in our garden. A good display this year ( none last year)

Time to crawl to bed , earlier than usual for me. Fingers crossed Fletch sleeps ok.. then we might too. 

Thank you as always for the comments and stars xx

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