Scoots, Shoots & Leaves

By TerriG

Love lost and found on Lincoln Street

Remember the old Burma Shave signs? Maybe this was just in the U.S. - when I was a kid we would see them along the highways, a string of four to six red and white signs several hundred feet apart that, when put together, would form a saying, sometimes proverbial or silly, sometimes road safety tips, sometimes just advertising the shaving cream. An example: This will never / come to pass / a backseat driver / out of gas / Burma-Shave

Today on our scoot I came upon a sad sort of Valentine chalked on the sidewalk in the style of Burma Shave. This was the last in a series of four; the first three read:
--I love you so much
--Sometimes it hurts
--Hurts a lot
Awwww. (I do hope the writer wasn't referring to actual physical pain - and on V-Day.) Then I remembered last year's un-Valentine that I discovered in the park - the crossed out carved heart. I must have a knack for finding broken hearts.

Further up Lincoln Street was another set of chalked hearts, these obviously by a different hand. These hearts were filled with lovely Hafiz poems including this one:

Is the
Root of all these
One thing: love.
But a love so deep and sweet
It needed to express itself
With scents, sounds, colors
That never before

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