Keeping Me Sane

By CKJohnson

Carolina Chickadee

poecile carolinensis More Info Here.
This was taken on the feeder just outside our patio. They don't mind if I get close but this one is cropped.

Want to say thank you to everyone for the hearts and stars for yesterday's egret. I made the Spotlight Page and I think that's only the second time ever.

Patsy had some tests done today, received great results, but she can't drive me down to the pond (Tuscawilla Park) for the Cowboy Roundup. This is the second year to miss it. The Youth Fair starts tomorrow with a cattle drive through the park to a place where the cows will be loaded and taken to the Livestock Pavillion. I'd love to get photos of the cows, horses and cowboys to blip but maybe Sefferdog or PepperG can get them.

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