forgiven... the cactus

for the incident of throwing it around the other day - if you recall - how i explained the tiny mishap i had of sending my poor, unsuspecting christmas cactus helter skelter through the air - pot and all - dislodging the plant - worrying it would be so unnerved now that future blossoms might be hindered...

however, it appears from this lovely blossom - i have been forgiven... (and forgiveness always deserves a special happy skippy dance - which i did well out of the way of any plants... ) as i was gently tending to it - i noticed, there underneath some branches - was this small bloom - glorious of sight - newly opened... seems as though the cactus is more resilent than i'd originally imagined - not that i recommend tossing it to and fro on a regular basis by any means - or doing anything else to uproot it - however, knowing it's hardy - can handle my clumsiness - is good news and has made for...


happy day.....

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