Framing the Fort

By TheHairyCoo

Funny looks in Tescos

...a rose, from Mrs Geek's valentine bouquet. These aren't the main flowers I'll give her, I don't usually buy on Valentine's day; it's too little flower for my cash, and then there's an argument which says it's unromantic to buy on a day when it's expected you'll do it.

That said, these were £5 a dozen, so I bought 2 bouquets to better fill the vase. I also bought a 2nd card (I couldn't decide on my favourite, and whichever I don't use will do as an "emergency" card...vital for the disorganised shift worker!).

The lady at the checkout was decidedly frosty, so much so I considered putting a comment in their "suggestions" box. I thought it was totally uncalled-for...

...until I got home and realised what she'd seen was a man buying two bouquets, and two "to a wonderful wife" Valentines cards!

Bigamy loves company!

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