View From The Study

By StudyView


In the foreground of this shot you can see the flowers put up in memory of a guy knocked down and killed less than 2 weeks ago on this zebra crossing. These vans are blocking the police sign asking for information, as well as significantly reducing sight lines and making it hazardous to cross. Of course, no police or police traffic wardens around. It is a 3 point penalty and £60 fine. If as the road lobby claim, fines are just for profit, they'd no doubt have been straight there.

On the way home this evening, there were double parked taxis for 30 yards both sides of the road.

I'd been out to see Slick at the Traverse. Interesting, and technically well done, but the black humour was a bit forced I felt. Had been bowling and then shopping with Hope all day. Her sister is 12 tomorrow. Cool presents on the way.

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