am bioran

By AmBioran

Allt Beinn Losgarnaich

Parking in sleepy Calvine, I cycled up the 12km private driveway to Bruar Lodge before dumping the bike in the heather and onto the hill. 2hours later I was on top of a very remote and isolated Corbett, Beinn Bhreac. Squalls of rain passed through from the north but the summit remained clear of cloud and I could enjoy the view of browning moorland unhindered. 

About turn, I retraced my steps but took a wee detour to visit this impressive waterfall, probably 20m high. It was a little tricky getting to the base. I wondered how long it would take to find my body if I had come a cropper whilst crossing & recrossing the streambed on the slippery rocks. 

Corbett #149

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