
By ayearinthelife

Watching the Wheels

....is what I should have been doing when parking in M&S this morning. Unfortunately, the sound of metal on concrete heralded the arrival of the first scuff on the new car!
Even by my standards, for this to happen in the first fortnight of ownership is a new low. The previous car lasted at least a couple of months before I started scratching it. Mind, all four wheels were well scuffed by the time I sold it so this might just be a foretaste of what is to come. I think I will just have to bite the bullet though, and have this repaired before the salt goes down on the roads this winter. And try not to hit anything with the other wheels.
It had been a good day up until then. Reasonably quick 5K first thing - bright, sunny morning lifted the spirits, though it was bloody cold! My dodgy right knee held up well with no niggles. The same cannot be said of my left knee, which now seems to be the one that is going to give me grief as it’s aching somewhat!
The Stygian darkness of the bathroom has been dispelled thanks to a brighter bulb, and a couple of other little DIY jobs have been completed.
Full cast rehearsal for the Panto this afternoon. Terribly complicated rules regarding social distancing etc. Apparently, we are all classed as being in “groups” of one and have to keep 2M apart and make sure we stagger our arrival and departure to avoid mingling. Ok when you’re in the hall but a bit more difficult to keep apart when running a scene on the stage! Might all be academic anyway, if Boris announces new rules tomorrow.
Still, nice to see everyone again and to be able to forget the outside world for a few hours. An afternoon or evening of silliness and banter every now and then, is probably just what is needed to get us through the next couple of months in a positive frame of mind.

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