Vinyl revival

Valentine's Day had a very shaky start.
Mis-communications & understandings often lead to tears, well in my case at least.

Last night, I blew up the heart shaped balloons I'd bought and left Alexander his gift and card on the kitchen table for when he came down, since he's always downstairs before me - with intentions of the remainder of his surprises to be given in hand.
Anyway, things didn't turn out quite as planned & upset was had on both parts.

My presents - a hand-made card, badge and this, a bespoke pressed 7 inch vinyl single featuring 2 of "our" songs.
Upon hearing the opening bars of each, I sobbed quite uncontrollably. They have such a profound effect on me and as much as I adore both songs, they always rip at that ever so delicate heart string of mine.

It was such a thoughtful gift & something I will treasure.

The day ended better than it started, with the completion of my gift exchange and a "nice tea".

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