The Wofflings Of A Doris

By DorisOrDwagon

Big head

Up at 5.30 this morning and was working by 6, just for an hour, but felt good to clear up a few loose ends so I can have a fresh start on Monday.

My friend Sue from Camera Club picked me up at 9.45 and we went off to the Roman Lakes at Marple via a route that was actually more potholes than road! It was lovely down there, nice cafe too. Despite being soggy underfoot, there was lots of potential for photos, although we didn't stray too far this visit, just a bit of a reccy really - and a good test for Sue's new binocs.

Based on the Camera Club meeting on Tuesday which in turn was based on Ted Forbes, Art of Photography, I was trying to mentally earmark photo opportunities. As I don't know when I'm likely to be there again, I found I couldn't go the whole hog and just make notes, without using the camera too. I wanted to get a blip while I was there, but over the weekend I will attempt the sitting/looking assignment with a notebook and no camera.

Near to where we'd parked, there was a tall plant that looked a bit like a thistle but the heads were probably the size of my fist... so is it a thistle?

I don't want to go on about yesterday's tenant ranting, other than a good part of the rest of today involved handyman phone calls, tenant texts and emails, but hopefully we've now come to an amicable solution/compromise, so I can sleep easier tonight...

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