Turtles All The Way Down

By Stacebob

Gettin' Spooky

You ever pop an outfit on and, despite it being basically the same thing you wear most days, you just feel really good in it? That was me today; I decided to get into the Halloween mood with a MediEvil/The Evil Dead mash up tee, and a new green pleated skirt. 

Today is World Mental Health day, and so I decided to take the day to do literally nothing that could be considered work. Like most people, COVID and the associated restrictions, lack of social contact and upheaval of our usual routines has taken a toll on Rich and I, and the last couple of weeks of dealing with his hospitalisation haven't been easy on either of us. It's tough, and some days are harder than others. If you're feeling like this at all, I highly recommend you take some time for yourself too. I know a lot of people will have spent today advocating for speaking out and seeking help, which is obviously fantastic advice if you can do it, however I know from past experience that doing that when you already feel like a burden to people isn't really going to happen. So, if that's how you're feeling, just spend some time doing stuff you enjoy that relaxes you, whatever that is. A hot bath, a long walk, crafts, meditation, video games, baking; literally whatever you like, because you deserve it.

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