The "I" In Team

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

You may remember my recent entry on gardening debacles

That tale ended with the delivery of a clematis and a bougainvillea. Which still need to be planted. 

Given how our last gardening adventure ended, you can imagine I was not filled with enthusiasm. But the plants needed planting so I told Caro I would be willing to help. 

And this time it went really well! This is because I did EXACTLY what Caro told me to at all times! 

"What a great team we make!" said Caro, delightedly. I did not tell her I was secretly her slave. She would have abused it.

So while she was in charge of:

- Digging the hole
- Putting in the compost
- Adding the fertiliser
- Planting the plants
- Covering them with topsoil
- Laying down the mulch

I was in charge of:

- Emptying the bucket of dirt

See, this is how it worked. Caro shovelled her spare dirt into a bucket, and then I EMPTIED in into a hole in the garden at the side of our house!

This required a great deal of care and skill. Tipping the bucket at the wrong angle could be disastrous. Also, at one point, the bucket was TOO FULL and the handle broke!

But I managed to fix it myself! With SCIENCE!

Caro also allowed me to fill the watering can, and water all the plants. But then it started raining anyway, so that was a bit pointless. 

Caro and I returned inside. Fortunately she had just finished as the first drops started to fall. "Well done!" she said. "Good job!" 

No she WASN'T patronising me. Shut up.


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