Mummy Bakdur

By MummyBakdur

I can sit pretty good!

Well today has been a day! I've decided to do purée weaning after changing from BLW to purées back to BLW and now back to purée! Evren had an oat bar thing and he had a piece in his mouth and was gagging a little then the next second it was gone then this almighty gag and sick came up and a lump of oat bar. It was horrible to watch him chocking on it, I felt awful, so purées it is for now, even though he's not a fan of those either and doesn't open his mouth for them yet! Well I guess he could have boobs forever right!? :-)
The picture of today is Evren sitting up all on his own, which he is getting much better at over the past week or so, fresh out of the bath! Love his peachy little bum!

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