Autumn's Blush
With plans for yard work derailed, we opted for a walk at Frohring Meadows before dinner. It had cooled off a bit from the day's high of 74 degrees. The goldenrod is toning down to brown and the birds are nearly gone with the reduced food palette. Soon the fields will be mowed.
But the trees! The trees! ODNR says peak color will arrive mid-October, so, any day now. Photographers were busy with family and individual portraits with these trees in the background.
I found a $20 bill on the sidewalk near our car and there was no one around! I'll donate it to the park.
I hope you're having a good weekend!
P.S. I'm turning comments back on but doubt that my comment level will be able to increase. Wishing you all well and thanks from dropping by. Your visits are appreciated!
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