
Up onto the scar at the end of the day, the air quality amazing but the sun falling fast. We could see squalls dancing around us, the Howgills lost to gloom.
And then, as so often if you're alive to the possibility, a moment. The sky ablaze in glory.

Still no results. Total farce.
A week ago I requested a home test as that's what the website advises as centres are apparently so busy. Annoyed, today I requested an appointment at a site and was given free choice of every 15minute slot all weekend at a test centre 10miles away. When I arrived at 14.30 there were eleven people working and I was the sixth test they'd done today.
Interestingly today's test had a unique barcode and number and I can dial a freephone UKGovt number to check progress after 24hrs. Non of that was present on either mine or Mrs IttH's home test kit. No wonder they're struggling if the can't even get the SOP's to be the same. When we rang the number on our test kits you get an automated message that tells you they don't answer calls and hangs up on you!

Technically the instruction is to quarantine for ten days from symptoms starting. So that would be today. As I'm still coughing and potentially infectious I'll do the sensible thing, but makes you think how many people might not have circumstances that let them.

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