
By Stuart9613

Can't stay away

St Helens church in Sefton is thought to be Merseyside's oldest building.Mainly built during the reign of Henry V111 it has one of the finest Tudor interiors of any English church and a fascinating history.

Back to today.We are told that we are in one of the most infected kungflu regions in the country despite the government refusing to share the data that this is based on with our local mayors.I wonder how much truth we are being told and alternatives to the governments approach do not seem to be getting listened to let alone being reported.
Perhaps it is time to let our local leaders take the key decisions.I would hope they tell Boris to place his lockdown restrictions where the Sun doesn't shine.A lockdown doesn't cure the virus it only slows the spread and we will all have to face up to the fact that we have to live with it one day.The question is how much of our society are we willing to destroy in the meantime and what will be left to go back to.

Perhaps it is time for a public vote on a national course of action.Should we keep calm and carry on or hide under the stairs sh_tting ourselves.

Blustery with sunshine and showers.Mild.

As with so much in life the pic looks better large if your interested.

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