Much better than we expected!

Friday 9th October 2020              (backblip)

Quick garden blip between the showers :-)

Thanks to BikerBear for hosting Flower Friday :-)

Hubby's appointment with the spinal surgeon today ....... the result was not at all what we expected to hear! To say we are gobsmacked rather taken aback is somewhat of an understatement!

Actually good news ...... no need for surgery!

He took Hubby through the MRI image ...... said the conclusions drawn from it were 'way over the top' ....... the problems listed (although there) are not actually impinging on the spinal cord & do not need  surgical intervention!

The problem is that his spine has seized up ...... caused by long hours in the driving seat of the bus! He is referring him for physio .... hopefully with his team of specialists ..... we wait to hear :-)

Hope you all have a Tigger-tastic weekend .... stay safe :-)

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