The Haven Hotel
One of my earliest memories is staying at the Haven Hotel in St Abbs and walking across the cliffs with my dad to fill in the time between dawn and breakfast. I was curious to see if it was still there after well over 50 years. It was. The building is now divided into highly sought after apartments and the lady I was talking with on the beach was by complete coincidence the great nice of one of the previous owners. Apparently it functioned as a hotel until the 1990s, fell into disrepair for several years and was subsequently successfully redeveloped. I can’t really recall much about the building, what sticks in my mind are the steps down to Coldingham beach which have disappeared.
I walked round St Abbs Head and then followed the coastal path towards Eyemouth in glorious sunshine, a stiff breeze and very few people.
The beach huts are hugely prized and are kept in tip top condition.
The glass house building half way between the old hotel and the beach was the result of sloppy planning, the application had been described as a refurbished beach hut which was passed without any scrutiny, so my beach friend said.
The colours of the sea were glorious and almost convinced me that the east coast is a good match for the west.
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