Not Norman Cook

It was H’s aunt Mays funeral today, I didn’t go but I did meet H and her folks for lunch in the D&D later on.

Aunty May was 106... 106….
Thats two world wars (and a world cup:)), votes for women, spanish flu, hong kong flu, in and almost out of the EU, 22 Prime Ministers (at least 19 of whom would have made a better job than BJ), 3 Kings, 1 Queen. The invention of the telly. Dogs, monkeys and humans in space, people on the moon! International Air travel, films with sound, computers, the internet, robots, cars that fly (I made that up) phones, mobile phones, tiny space age things that can fit in our pockets that can give us access to the worlds knowledge, that we can use to video chat with people but mainly stare at pointless shit on. Drugs that can cure a shit load of stuff, drugs that can make us see a shit load of other stuff.
Progress (although not enough) on slavery, racism, sexism, equality.
The creativity, the films, the books, the music all the music..


As you are no doubt aware Friday is cocktail night here at The Rectory. I was supposed to be going for a pint with Jason but it all got mildly complicated so He came over here with Gemma for Martinis. I might have made them a little on the strong side ;)

Here he is trying to pretend he has work to do. We might have arranged a bike ride for 7:30 tomorrow. Not sure how well that’s going to work;)

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