
This is what our house has looked like most of the week. Thank goodness it's the holidays.

Xander will wear these ear defender's when he is having a meltdown and feeling stressed. They help calm him down .
I knew the minute that Mr R brought him back from school that the afternoon was going to be difficult. Somebody bumped him coming out of school and he fell onto his hand. I don't think anything is wrong with it but when he's held his emotions together all day the smallest thing will make him explode.

Imagine a bottle of cola ( this is Xander ). The lights are too bright, give the bottle a shake, his lunch was all wrong ( shake the bottle). It was too noisy ( give another shake.). He is very sensory orientated. Keep shaken the bottle. And when he gets home to his safe space, the lid comes off and it all rockets out.

He does so well holding it together all day.

Lincoln and Harp helped bake cookies today. They are the nicest one's I've made . I know that Mr R will devour most of them when I'm in bed. I gave some to my neighbour and then later she came over with cupcakes.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

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