
Did a bit of a double take this morning when I saw this Common Bistort ( Persicaria bistorta) flower head pushing its way through the large decaying rhubarb like leaves of Butterbur. The book says it flowers from June to August.

Flora Britannica tells me that there are many local names for this plant, especially in the Pennines and Cumbria. Some examples are Pudding grass, Pudding dock Snake weed and Pink pokers.

Apparently in these areas there are many traditional recipes which use Bistort leaves, combined with dock leaves, nettles, onions, eggs and oatmeal. These all combine to make Dock Pudding. Indeed in 1971 in the Calder Valley near Hebden Bridge they held “ The World Championship Dock Pudding Contest”. I think as a yorkshireman I will stick to more traditional Yorkshire Puddings.

Longish walk this morning. 14,000 steps is a bit longer than my usual outing. But it is good to know I can still manage it.

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