Let’s just sit a while

Another disturbed night for Shiv as her tummy adjusts to her new meds. Her ear infection seems a lot better which is good news, and she seems to have a better appetite which is great.

She was very enthusiastic about going for a walk that we took slowly with lots of stops for a wee seat along the way.

A fair bit of work done as we have been awarded a tender for skills development that will bring in just over R5 million, getting quotes for IT kit seems to be way harder than I thought it would be but I am getting there.

Andrew was a bit apprehensive about meeting with his employers who have treated their staff in an appalling way over lockdown. It ended up being a very satisfying day when he decided to tell them to stick their job where the sun doesn’t shine. So we all headed out for pizza and a celebratory beer. Shiv also enjoyed her crusts on our return.

Two more sleeps until holiday time. Can’t wait!

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