New pjs!

Someone gave us some money to buy the kids some clothes - neither had any pjs for winter so we bought them both some. They arrived today and Asha and Nate are both delighted! Very easy to convince them to get into pyjamas tonight, ha!
I had about an hour sat on the floor with a few homeless friends today. Such a good time, listening, nattering...
Later was lunch with Anne and Natasha. 2 brilliant and inspiring women, feels a privilege to be drawn into their friendship!
Tonight we were in San An to pray for Gareth who's moving on from 24-7 Ibiza and heading back to Northern Ireland. He's been such a gift in so many ways, I'm sad his chapter here has come to a close...

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Thoughtful gifts.
2) Time sat with friends.
3) Gareth and the fun and the wisdom he's brought to life here over the past 3 years.

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