Wistful moments

By KathM

Meet Trixie

This morning i went on my first Spice event. The organisation is billed as the UK's leading adventure, social and leisure group and there really is something for everyone. I had a lovely time visiting the Guide dog breeding centre near Leamington Spa, and it was filled with puppies. We couldn't get too close to them due to the risk of infection, but a couple of puppy walkers had brought their pups along to help them socialise, and Trixie was one of them. We saw one mum with a litter of 4 puppies born only a few hours previously, so so sweet, and one that was carrying 8 puppies due next Friday. On finding out i was a midwife they let her roll on her back and let me palpate her tummy...awwww! What a great experience :-))

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