Danger zone

Thank you for all your lovely comments regarding the Jedi. He's had a better day today. Still under the weather.
I kept Lincoln at home today to play with Harp just incase Carson was really unsettled again and then that way she had another wildling for company.

I took all three in the trailer for a quick bike ride this morning. I went and picked up some art paper and a couple of fine liner pens that a art teacher on Facebook kindly left for me .

I uploaded my trump drawing to the main inktober FB page last night, and thankfully had my phone on silent as it was blowing up ;-). It's had a great response from people around the world. There was some political comments left but I thought that would happen.

I had to go to the doctor's this afternoon. I didn't go for my shoulder but I did mention it when I was there . I'm being referred for a x-ray as she thinks it could be arthritis, I'm also getting referred back to the breast clinic too. Always better to get things checked. Although I should have made a sooner appointment for that. And I have to go back in the morning to hand something in for that to be tested. But it means I get to go back on my bike.

I have spent most of today thinking it was Thursday ;-)) .

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