
By Odofuran


Today we had myself, the other foreign teacher who was leaving, and the new guy replacing me at the office on the same day. It was busy, teaching kid classes and then going over everything with the new guy. We only get two days in the office together, so it's hard and fast. Hopefully he took good notes.

After work we went to an izakaya just below our office for some drinks and dinner, a welcome/farewell party for just staff. This guy in the picture is the coworker who's finishing this week too. He splits time between two schools, Thursday and Friday at mine. Every week includes a trip to Coco Ichiban Curry, with a side of great conversation.

The day had a weird feeling over it. Lived in the town for 3.5 years, but had to commute to work today because the new guy was in the company apartment. Riding the train into town in the morning, something I've done hundreds of times, was the oddest part. I knew I would be riding it out at the end of the day again, not walking to my apartment and ending my day there.

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