Lost and found

Hubby’s knee was feeling better so we did our run this morning and he managed to run 5k today.
We have had a wasps nest in the roof space beyond the bedroom and kept the wi Dow closed for weeks to stop then getting in but for the past week we have been finding them in the bedroom. Today we moved my desk to see if we could figure out how they are getting in and when we took out the drawers I found some Christmas tags and an advent string calendar that I bought on October 1st 2016, I know this because we took our daughter out for lunch on her 30th birthday and I bought them at a lovely little shop next to the place we had lunch.
Got wet walking the dogs but by the time we got to he park we had dried off.
More deleting of photos on phone. I need to set up my new one so that my phone and iPad are not linked as all the currently all the photos I load onto the iPad from my camera are also on the phone, and I really don’t want that.
The virus infection rate is going up and we have been warned that we could go into special measures by the weekend and yet out walking the dogs it felt like normal with people not socially distancing.
Flu jab in the morning and then heading north for a few days as the boiler at the cottage needs a service before winter and we want to make sure the place can be left over the winter just in case we can’t go up for a while.

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