Sunny but windy

This morning I went out for breakfast with Ann. We went to the Balcony and Ann and her friend, Heather, both had a big fry up. Heather didn't eat all of her sausage so she took it home for Ruby, her little Cavapoo. Ann gobbled up all of her breakfast so I didn't get any little titbits. Boohooo.

After breakfast we went for a walk along the beach. It was a beautiful morning but very, very, windy. However, there were lots of other dogs on the beach so I had a lovely time playing with them and then this afternoon I went back to the beach again to play with my ball. Yay!

Now I'm just having a little snooze before Ann's friends, Margaret & Chris pop round for a couple of glasses of vino.

Life in St Ives is pretty busy at the moment!!!

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