
By AnnieBScotland

one street

Our actual street is pretty boring but as the 'One Street' project has shown, everyone's street, village or town has its interesting landmarks for sharing.

The sunshine was welcome this morning and I had to go collect a parcel at the sorting office, which just sits behind a lovely old building called Hozier House. Built in 1891, it was originally a convalescent home and when I first came to this area it was used as a series of small offices and the local driving test centre! About 10 years ago it was converted to flats. Can't find out much about the history, but Sir James Hozier was a prominent citizen in these parts around the same time.

I carried on and took a walk around the loch, snapping as I went. I almost blipped this gull - I'm saying a black headed gull as it had a black head - it seemed to just turn its eye and look at me, and I liked the reflection of its red legs, but I thought it was about time I joined in with an occasional shot of our town.

It is daughter #2's birthday today, she is 32. Happy Birthday Sally!

got weighed today and seem to be going back wards. think I have to wait until salad days. So glad the halo is firmly locked away otherwise it would disappear in a puff of smoke! have a great weekend.

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