
Monday. Another night of walking at 3 and relying on R3 and today worrying about tomorrow's 'in person' meeting. I wasn't sure about going swimming but glad I did. The slow lane was quiet and I had the last 15 mins on my own. I drove though. Still wet and overcast.

Back home I vacuumed (!) and realised that I don't have to buy any new pairs of jeans. Spent the morning tidying up from yesterday's cooking and baking with a side trip to the Post Office, and oh dear, I forgot my mask

Later the cooking frenzy continued and I made apple and apricot chutney (still cooking) and then all that worry about a meeting was resolved, it's Zoom, thank goodness.

Today's meeting was interesting. Not sure v what I've let myself in for. I'll no doubt find out.

Went upstairs, just as I started watching the programme about the Oz bush fires. Looking out it looked like a bush fire on Fife. It's not, that during orange glow is the glaring at Mossmorran. No wonder the locals complain.

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