Mobility Scooter garage

There was a long delivery time on this shed. We ordered in July and we were expecting it in December but it came on Saturday. This is going to be Dad's man cave and home for his mobility scooter. It's plastic but it went together quite well. Only the window to put in tomorrow.

Dad's arm is improving but he was in bad pain yesterday with constipation. That meant two trips to the pharmacy and a call from the out of hours doctor who was excellent. Softening things were given and i am sure you can imagine the result over night. I have had to wash and clean everything. Not my idea of fun. And, you might not want to know this, but I have never seen such an enormous log not going down the loo. The rubber gloves came into their own as I had to break it all up and flush it in pieces like heavy clay down the loo.... gross! Sorry..

And Louie has had his eyes tested today and he passed with flying colours. He might be ready for an open cot in a few days. And his first bath on Friday.

Dad's solicitor is now off for a week and was supposed to be exchanging contracts today. We have spent time trying to get someone to sort it out...

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