Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

In between the deluges...

Today's Blip shows there is still some colour left in the garden - when I could get out to photograph it.  We had a few minutes of glorious sunshine today with steel blue skies but unfortunately most of the day was grey and dismal with sudden downpours of heavy rain that rattled the windows and peppered the fragile flower heads.

In other news, I replaced two more wall lights.  At this point I would like to thank MrsDB my beautiful assistant.  Without her advice I'd never have thought to switch the electric off, get a step ladder to reach the lamps, worked out that I needed a drill to make holes in the wall...  and when she told me that  standing in a bucket of water whilst touching faulty wiring can be fatal I was astounded at her range of expertise. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

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