In My World

By JoanneInOz

Flying elephants??!

It's that time of year again, the season for flying elephants to shatter our slumber each night, at around midnight.

The mangoes are the big attraction. The mangoes that are growing on the mango tree, in our neighbours garden, which happens to be growing just beside two bedroom windows in our home. Betcha didn't know that elephants eat mangoes, did you?

They flap their giant wings and fly into the tree, whilst screeching in delight, in anticipation of their midnight feast. Betcha didn't know that elephants screech as they fly either, did you? I can guarantee they do...I've heard them!

They are an elusive lot though, those flying elephants; I haven't managed to get a photo of them, but these are a couple of the mangoes left on the tree. They are sitting ducks, these mangoes. The elephants will probably have eaten them too by tonight.

There are those who try to tell me that they are fruit bats coming to the tree. Hah! As if tiny, cute little fruit bats, with those big saucer eyes could make so much noise!! I don't believe it for a minute!

In other's Friday!! Betcha did know that! I'm staying at home this weekend, no work...yay!! Happy weekend everyone. :)

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