
By malcolmjm

Shenzhen: Morning Exercise

And here I was thinking the dancing only happened in the evening.

Every morning as we head to school at 7am The Ladies are out (massaging their faces), Tai Chi Lady (with sword) is on the left, Tai Chi Couple (in silk garments) are on the right, behind the two old gents with matching dogs in their laps chilling outside a closed cafe. But when you have a holiday you spot what happens after 7am!

It appears that by 8am The Ladies have finished massaging themselves and get in formation to hone their dance routine - in preparation for the evening 'dance off' I wonder? Practice is required as there are usually three dance troupes going.

And to think in my country our 'old people' usually end up immobile in homes...

Oh, and check out the guy in the suit doing his stretch on the fence. He continued with various limbs, bouncing the stretch as they do 'over here'. Makes me shudder.

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